Project Colorize

A Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to colorize your project windows with beautiful themes. Installed by +1000 users.

Technologies Used

Project Colorize was developed using the Visual Studio Code Extension API, which is based on TypeScript. The extension utilizes VSC built-in APIs for accessing and modifying workspace settings, ensuring that color configurations are saved on a per-project basis.

To handle color processing and theme generation, custom algorithms were implemented to calculate appropriate opacity levels for inactive windows and to ensure color consistency across different VS Code themes.

  • Bars colorization
  • 20+ preset themes
  • Custom themes
  • Light/Dark auto-switch
  • Project-specific settings
  • Git-friendly configuration


Developing Project Colorize only in one week presented some challenges, primarily learning the VS Code Extension API quickly.

Implementing auto-switching for Light/Dark modes and ensuring proper color management required a thorough code testing, because earlier implementations presented some bugs when the OS theme was changed.

Creating a non-intrusive solution for collaborative projects led to a system allowing users to keep color settings local without using .gitignore using Git hooks.

Despite the tight timeline, the project succeeded with currently over 1,300 installations, demonstrating the value of rapid development when building useful tools.